• "Because of you I try harder, forgive sooner, give further, live simpler, thank easier, hope longer, love deeper and laugh louder"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday Fun!

A lot of you know my family, so these pictures won't be too suprising! My parents rented Journey to the Center of the Earth last weekend and loved it! Well, they heard that there is a 3-D version, (which should only be cool to a five year old right?) NO! WAL-MART was visited and this is what happened on sunday:
My stepdad also decided that he needed to finish fixing the bicycle he bought Addi at a garage sale a year ago, so while he was at walmart he got a new tire, and she got to test drive her bike on Sunday. Until Aunt Katie took over and Addi decided to push her around!

Another wonderful thing about Sundays (as the holidays get closer) is that my step dad gets the newspaper and I savagely look through all the ads hoping for deals! I went into the other room for a few minutes and when I came back I found Addi, laying on top of a pillow, reading the target toy book! GOOD GIRL HONEY! YOU LEARN HOW TO SHOP AND LOVE IT AND WE'LL GET A LONG FINE! :)

Needless to say, we're weirdos! But, you know, we have a great time! (And yes, I sure put on some 3D glasses and joined them!) And I'm very proud that I've addicted Addi to shopping at an early age and she is officially afraid of spiders! Watch out daddy, she might be becoming a Mommy's girl! :)


Christina said...

Your family is so awesome! I love the 3D glasses. Poor Addi, I hate shopping...stresses me out!

The Davis Family said...


Devan and Desiree Fenn said...

I love the 3D glasses. I need 2 get me some! =)

Natalie said...

Haha that is hilar! I love the glasses! I miss your fam! Oh and how did you do those pics- that isn't picasa is it? Teach me teach me!